
Sebastopol is a self-declared city of diversity, situated in western Sonoma County. Located about 50 miles north of San Francisco, it sits at the crossroads of Highways 12 and 116. There is a sophisticated yet rural ambience here that is a product of the city's devotion to sustainable agriculture, community spirit and historical preservation.

Sebastopol is a certified Slow City, part of a global movement of small towns committed to staying green, local, friendly and artistic. Slow Cities also support local commerce and culture while welcoming visitors and encouraging neighbors, integrating technology for well-being, protecting the environment and developing community-friendly infrastructure. Solar Sebastopol has been instrumental in converting many public buildings to solar energy including the police station, high school and community pool.

This commitment to the environment is more than a recent one. Luther Burbank began his experimental farm on 15 acres here, and introduced more than 800 varieties of flowers, fruits, vegetables and grains. Sebastopol's world-famous Gravenstein apples are testament to its continued agricultural legacy.

The community of Sebastopol is also proud of its community spirit and sponsors many activities to promote its camaraderie and vitality. Visitors and residents alike enjoy the fusion of modern and traditional values in Sebastopol.

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